Sunday, May 29, 2011

A tough One (9 months)

Cesira Scan Normally when people accuse one of having a big head it is a derogatory remark. Now the thing is this that the special Doctor they call a paediatrician tells me I have a small head. Dad rushes me off to this nice man after the clinic sister said my skull has already closed over meaning that little hole that us babies are born with to allow space for brain growth has done its thing already instead of waiting another six months or so. The Sister said they might have to cut a piece of my skull out to make way for my expanding brain. Well the good Dr would have none of this and simply said my brain had stopped growing and thus the skull bones had fused over already. Did Dad go into a panic or what? He then rushes me off to have a scan where they strap me down in this weird machine that sounds like a dishwasher with disco lights. I lie very still and as usual all the staff are amazed at how good I am and no sedative required. The scan results are pretty bland and nothing to report. I could have told them so but no they insisted on this outrageous expense. Dad then calls in his connections to give me a full assessment on my motor skills  speech etc. I once again pass nearly everything with flying colours bar the crawl and chat thing. Now they expect me to do more tummy time and other exercises to build more muscle. I am also being fattened up with cheese and meat for the first time. What next? In the meantime I continue to charm everything in site and do my own thing with laughing and kicking my legs like an Irish dancer. Ok so my head is two measly cms below what it should be. Can I help it if I am so cute and look like a little doll in perfect proportions. All the other babies I check out seem to have these monster heads and small bodies. I’m special and will prove the Dr’s wrong . Watch this space. Oh yes Dad has eventually calmed down especially when I give him my special smile.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Eight and a bit

My first Easter and they give me this chocolate egg wrapped up in shiny paper. I know I have five teeth already but this could still be a tough one to crack. No one has cut my hair ever, so now I have long bits that curl up from the original hair and the rest is new hair. Dad wants to cut them off but is faced with a barrage of protest from my admirers. What is a gal to do?

Cesira - Gary 3