Saturday, August 17, 2013

Three today

3 Birthday

No big party today. Just granny Cheryl and Dad at the beach where we eat some sandy cake. At 12 kilos you are growing a little heavy to carry for long distances but still like to ride on my shoulders. Walking is coming on if not a little unsteady and you trip easily. It’s tantrum season and five minute screaming sessions are not uncommon. You love going to playshool and of course the teacher and kids fuss over you. I am however fretting more and more about your reluctance to talk. Although your repertoire is growing you are unable to put two words together yet. No one else feels this is a problem and we must be patient. Good news is the seizures have stopped and you are no longer on medication. We will wait to see the results of a further EEG to see if all is well. And so we soldier ever on.